
Dolly Wink Beauty Workshop

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Hi everyone!

Awhile back I was invited to Dolly Wink Beauty Workshop by The Butterfly Project. I was so excited! Dolly Wink have been in my "soon-you-shall-be-mine" list for as long as the YouTube beauty gurus have been raving about them. The only reason why I never bought a Dolly Wink product was because of the price >.< But before I continue on about the event, there's something I would like to share first.

The workshop was held at Little Pantry, IOI Mall. I went there with no GPS and somehow missed an exit and was making rounds in the highway. I finally ended up at Subang Parade, which I went there only once before. I stopped and asked for direction with the security guard there, but no luck. When I was sure I wouldn't be able to make it, an aunty passed by. She looked like she worked at Subang Parade and the guard helped by asking her for directions. She was so helpful! Like drawing me a map helpful. Yea, but that's not the end of it, she actually asked for her husband who was in a car right in front where I parked mine, to show me the way. I was like O.O Is this aunty serious? That's too much! I'm fine with the map. But she insisted and the husband was willing to help as well. He said he's going the same direction, so I can't really argue. And I followed his car all the way to the exit nearest to IOI mall. I was so grateful T.T No words can express my gratitude. That was when I thought, "faith in humanity restored!" :D

Okay, lets move on to the event now ^^ (before this whole post turns into an essay to express my gratitude) haha

I didn't missed much when I arrive at Little Pantry, at least I hope not haha. Everybody was seated and the workshop had begun. I felt like I was in a dream land when I saw all the makeups on the table hehe. The workshop introduced the history of KOJI HONPO and their star products, which include their false lashes, eye talk, and mascaras. 

They also introduced their new coming products which are the Lash Concierge and the Curving Eyelash Curler. The sensei conducted the workshop was from Japan and speak Japanese, so there was a translator. Even so, the explanation given was very detailed and I appreciate that ^^ 

So here are the new products that will be available on November 2013 :) First one is the The Lash Concierge Series. From half to full lashes, this is the natural look series. The percentage of the lashes indicates how natural it looks. After translation, the percentage is the "chances that you will not get caught" wearing false lashes. Pretty cool huh? So if it says 110% it means it looks so natural that people won't know you're wearing false lashes! Which means the higher the percentage the more natural it is ^^

The Lash Concierge Series

The cool thing about this is that once it's available, there will be lash tester for you to try and see which type of lashes suits you the best. I would suggest to sanitize it with wipes or a little bit of hand sanitizer, even though it's dry but you may never know how people's eyes are >.<

The next one is the Curving Eyelash Curler. The two things that caught my attention about this is that 1) you can curl your lashes with your eyes open, starting straight into the mirror with no need to tilt your head (but I guess it also depends on your eye shape) and 2) that it has a protective casing. Interesting right?

The Curving Eyelash Curler

After the explanation, they gave us a demonstration on how to use the eyelash curler and apply false lashes, which you can see in the video ^^

Angeline being one of the models of the day :D
Left side with false lashes, right side without
She looks amazing right? and it looks so natural! There's another cool way to try out the lashes without actually trying them on and you don't even have to go any where! All you need is your phone. It's the Koji False Lashes Fitting App. Just download the app and you're good to go! Cool right? :D

After the demonstration it's time to eat haha. I choose the chicken, which was okay, and the mushroom sup was delicious with that big crouton haha. Didn't get the chance to try the cake or the cupcake though huhu.

The Little Pantry is actually quite a cute place 
Kay, Mama-san (Tammy) & Lucinda
It was a lovely event and here are the goodies I got hehe.

Thanks again The Butterfly Project & Dolly Wink for the invite!

For more info you can visit:

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the reviews of the Curving Eyelash Curler and the Lash Concierge, until next time lovelies!

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  1. Thanks for sharing ~
    Love dolly wink natural lashes~~


  2. I have always wanted to try their eyeliner!!

    1. Yea before this ive always wanted to try. I am loving it so far :)

  3. suka video tu comel :) their eyeliner is my all time favorite!

  4. Helloooooo nampak gambar aku xD hahaha

  5. oh my, it looks so awesome ! I always envy bloggers that are living in countries that have these events... I really want to enter one someday.


  6. Hi Angeline! You're always a natural model! hehe

    Hi Yomi, hopefully you'll get a chance someday too :)


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