
Fabulous Finds #1: Elements, A Heaven on Earth Fashion Boutique Store

Hi Everyone! How has your week been so far? I've decided to do a new post series called "Fabulous Finds" where I share fabulous, amazing, jaw-dropping things I recently discovered, or just updates on sales that is going on at the moment. I hope this can be a weekly thing, if I manage to find fantastic things each week to share with you...

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First Impression: GLAMGLOW® Youthmud™ Tinglexfoliate Treatment + Video

Hi Everyone! Today I'm going to do a special first impression of the much raved and one of the most wanted mask in the market, GLAMGLOW® Youthmud™ Tinglexfoliate Treatment. GLAMGLOW® has been circulating all around YouTube and Blogs and has taken the beauty community by storm. All of the reviews I have read and seen about GLAMGLOW® has made me all the more curious about the brand at their products. The only...

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Wishlist Wednesday #2

Hi Everyone! It's time for another Wishlist Wednesday. I have to say that it is so much fun to put together the things I want or wish for because I realised that I have no shortage of wish lists haha. As you're reading I already have the next few posts of Wishlist Wednesday ready to go. So lets get started on this week's...

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Feel Good Monday #1

Hi Everyone! Seems like I'm in a mood to start a lot of blogpost series. Why not? It keeps things interesting and a really helpful way if you ran out of topic or ideas for your blog! (Don't fret, I actually have a lot of ideas and this happens to be one of them ^-^) Okay, so what is Feel Good Monday? Honestly...

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Wishlist Wednesday #1

Hi Everyone! How is your week going so far? It's Wednesday, it's the middle of the week so hang in there! One of the ways I love to do to beat the weekdays blues is to dream or fantasise about beautiful (and mostly expensive) things, so that I can go and drool on their display cases over the weekends LOL. With that note,...

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July 2014 Favourites

Hi Everyone!  July just passed and we are half way through the year of 2014! Time does fly so fast and I hope you are having a great year with a lot of bright possibility in the future :) For now, it's time to share out monthly favourites ^_^ This month I didn't use a lot of beauty products, hardly wear makeup because...

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Make Up For Ever HD Foundation Review

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to show you one of my absolute favorite foundations (and actually the most expensive one I own so far) which is the Make Up For Ever HD Foundation. This particular foundation took me months of reading/watching reviews and more months to save up until I finally decided to purchase it. And let me tell you, it is worth...

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