
Wishlist Wednesday #1

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Hi Everyone!

How is your week going so far? It's Wednesday, it's the middle of the week so hang in there! One of the ways I love to do to beat the weekdays blues is to dream or fantasise about beautiful (and mostly expensive) things, so that I can go and drool on their display cases over the weekends LOL. With that note, that's one of the reasons why I enjoy reading bloggers wishlists, so I decide to start my own ^-^

I admit to have been caught in the Naked fever and I have been dreaming about the Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette since it was launched. I was a bit, just a bit disappointed that the Naked Palettes prices have gone up from RM 175 to RM 188. I can't count how many times I have swatched them in the store. I really love the rose gold tone of the shadows and because of this I have been leaning towards wearing more rose gold tone jewellery. There's a chance that I might be able to get this soon so wish me luck :)

My foundation routine has always been consisting of using foundation or buffing brush. There was a period of time where I love (and I still do) using a sponge whether it is damp or dry. However I always hated (more or less lazy) to straight away clean the sponge and it is easier to spot clean with a brush than a sponge. But I have always had my eye on The Original Beauty Blender. I tried a few dupes but somehow I would prefer using a normal disposable triangle sponge because in my opinion they are softer and works better (my crazy personal preference). But I know that the Original Beauty Blender is so soft and works so well because my friends are all using it and I'm so jealous! However, I am still hesitant because of the price so I think this would be nice if it were a gift *hint* By the way, if I were to get this, I would get it with the Blender Cleanser Solid just because I heard in reviews that this works best to clean the Beauty Blender.

So, Too Faced has become bolder and straight to the point with their names now, with nothing to hide, no more innuendoes, and no more sugar coating, and to me this can just be an elaborate and extremely exaggerated marketing scheme or just a whole lot of confident in their product! Their latest release is the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara. I'll admit the first time I saw their video I laughed like nobody's business. If you haven't seen it you can see it here. And then there's this whole raves and positive reviews about this mascara that I am impressed. Even Wayne Goss approves this mascara, so naturally, I must have it.

And last but not least, for the past week I have been obsessed with Michael Kors Large Selma Top-Zip Satchel Black. I don't know why I just recently discovered it. I was actually thinking that since I might be working soon, it's probably time to look into designer bags. I have always dreamed about (I still do) the Prada Saffiano and the Celine Luggage, but those are way too expensive. I was researching about Givenchy Antigona Bag when I came across Michael Kors. It was love at first sight. I don't know the exact price yet nor have I actually had the opportunity to touch it with my hands (window shopping) but I know the price range is affordable. I can't wait to know more about this bag.

A long explanation about my wishlist haha but I guess I'm just in one of those moods :) If you do make wishlist posts leave the links in the comments below so I get to know what's on your wishlist too! If not then just tell me in the comments what are your dream items ^-^

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the post. Have a good week!

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  1. the video for that Too Faced mascara is hilarious!!! well, that MK handbag is gorgeous, I can put it in my wish list as well lah, hehe!

  2. @Mieza, It is funny right, I can't stop laughing! xD yes it is gorgeous, it's only a matter of time before I I can touch it hehehe


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