
Aspire 500 Conference & GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015

Hi everyone! Last Saturday I went to the GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015 and it was incredible! It was one of the biggest education/career fair I've ever been to. If you want to know more in details about the GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair, you can check my previous post here.  I was lucky to have had the opportunity to attend the opening ceremony and the Aspire 500...

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Maybank GO Ahead Challenge 2015

Calling all final years and graduates! Here's your chance to show the world your skills and unleash your true potential! If you think you are heading towards the end of your fighting spirit, think again. The Maybank GO Ahead Challenge 2015 will make all your exams and practicals look like a kindergarten's homework! Hi everyone! If you can't already tell, I am super...

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GRADUAN® ASPIRE Career & Postgraduate Fair 2015

Hi everyone! It's been a really hectic couple of months. Mostly because I just graduated and I have been busy finding my right path into the working world. There's just so many options to choose from that we ( I know I do ) can get a little loss and overwhelm by the choices, requirements, application, resume and all that jazz. So, this...

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Citicars Review

Hi Everyone! Wow it's been awhile since I've blog. Apologies, I'm working on so many projects now and it's taking all of my time. If you follow my social media, you'll know what I've been up to :D Today I want to share my experience with Citicars.  I was approached to try their services and even though I don't know much about cars,...

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