
[Announcement] OnlyBeauty L'Oreal Mega Sales is coming to Penang!

Hi everyone! If you're in Penang this is your chance to catch the L'Oreal Mega Sales! OnlyBeauty is touring Malaysia bringing the awesome L'Oreal Sales to each hot state this year. The next stop would be at Georgetown this 2nd until 4th August! So, be prepared for their coming L'Oreal Mega Sale in Bayview Hotel! ...

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Buka Puasa with Xpax at Milk & Butter Bangsar

Hi everyone! Last week I was invited to have Buka Puasa (breaking fast) with Xpax at Milk & Butter Bangsar. I was excited as I have never been there before :D ...

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A New Found Love! My Havaianas Experience :)

Hi Everyone! In conjunction with The Butterfly Project SPARTY, Havaianas gave 10 lucky bloggers a pair of their slim flip flops, and I am so happy to be one of the lucky winners! *faints* Although I haven't had a good experience with flip flops, I was still very excited about this. So let me share my experience getting my pair of slim flip flops and wearing them...


My SPARTY Experience with The Butterfly Project!

Hi Everyone! The long awaited post is here! Yes it's the post about my experience with The Butterfly Project at the SPARTY!!! xD Before scrolling down, why not enjoy this video I made of the event ;) ...


[Announcement] OnlyBeauty L'oreal Mega Sales is coming to Johor Bahru!

Hi everyone! Done your Raya Shopping yet? I wanna share with you one of the biggest sale ever! It may not be baju raya haha but ladies, you are still going to love this :D OnlyBeauty is touring Malaysia bringing the awesome L'Oreal Sales to each hot state this year. The next stop would be at Johor Bahru this 26 until 28th July!...

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Let's Support! Esse Gives Back Charity Event

Hi Everyone! Have you heard of SHELTER? It's a welfare organization that helps children, in other words, SHELTER is a Home for Children in Malaysia. Please read more about it here :) ...

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Shine Bright Like a Diamond with Neesya Skincare ;)

Hi everyone! Last week I was invited to attend a local skin care brand launch called Neesya at Swensen Subang Parade. I heard about the brand a few weeks before and I thought it was a Singaporean brand. During the launched I found that it was actually a Malaysian brand. Sweet :) I'd love to see our country strive in such industry ;) Neesya is...

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Am I in Mask Heaven? My Beauty Diary Eye Mask Launch

Hi Everyone! If you are a mask freak (or more specifically My Beauty Diary fans) then you are gonna love this! Today (yes this afternoon, I am surprise I'm super rajin putting up the post on the same day as the event, well technically it's not tomorrow unless I wake up haha) they launched a new line of Eye Masks at Fahrenheit 88. I was so happy...

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Lilac Surprise! My Aveda Hair Styling Experience.

Hi Everyone :) I found out that The Lilac Box was doing an Aveda promotion where you can get complimentary hair consultation and styling. It was definitely an opportunity that I have been waiting for. A blogger friend of mine recommended Aveda a few months back, and I have not have the time to just stop by at Pavilion just for a consultation....

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June 2013 Favorites: Scents Obsession!

Hello my favorite people! ^^ This is my first "favorites" post :) *happy dance* I'm excited to share my June 2013 favorites because they have made me so happy. If me sharing my favorites might caught your interest in trying them out, I know I'll be super happy that I was able to share the happiness xD Spread the love people *wink wink*...

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Beanie Birthday Bash Experience! Plusizekitten.com 5th Year Blogaversary :D

Hi everyone! I was lucky enough to be invited to Tammy's 5th Year Blogaversary! So plusizekitten.com is 5 years old now ^^ And to celebrate, Tammy booked the entire Beanieplex hall at TGV 1 Utama to watch Man of Steel with her readers :D Isn't that awesome?! Photo from www.legendary.com ...

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Did someone say Massage Party??? The Butterfly Project Massage Party Entry :D

Hi Everyone! I am finally FREEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~!!!!!!! My semester is over! *party dance* and what better way to celebrate than to relax and unwind with my friends at a MASSAGE PARTY! That's right! Another awesome event by The Butterfly Project :D So here is my video entry :P ...

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